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METRO klubb & bar
23 augusti 2023 @ 22:00 - 02:00

På METRO finner ni Lunds bästa dansgolv, lounge och DJ samt tre barer som har ett brett utbud av öl, cider, drinkar och alkoholfritt.
Medlemmar på VG betalar halva inträdespriset!
Dörrarna öppnas 22:00.
Medlemmar på VG betalar halva inträdespriset!
Dörrarna öppnas 22:00.
Glöm inte leg & studentleg.
Förköp köper du i STUK-appen
Vi ses där!
At METRO you will find Lund’s best dance floor, lounge and DJ, you will also find three bars that has a wide selection of beers, ciders, cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. Members at VG pay half the entrance fee! The doors open at 22.00.
At METRO you will find Lund’s best dance floor, lounge and DJ, you will also find three bars that has a wide selection of beers, ciders, cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. Members at VG pay half the entrance fee! The doors open at 22.00.
Don’t forget ID & student ID
You can buy pre-sales in the STUK-app.
See you there!