The selection committee's nomination for Executive Secretary Administration 2024/2025

The selection committee's nomination for Executive Secretary Administration 2024/2025

Studentlunds nomination committee has decided to nominate Johan Jörlert as Executive Secretary
Administration for 2024/2025 with the number of votes 4 to 0.

Johan holds the role of Operations Manager for the Academic Association (AF) during the financial year
23/24 and before that sat as proqurator economy (PQE) at Sydskånska nation. In addition, sitting
Johan on several different boards, including KK's, AF Bostäder's, Gerdahallen's, but also TRF's board
where he sat as an adjunct during his year of operation. Johan wants to contribute with his versatile
experiences from student life and as VSA, Johan will strive to keep the ship afloat, have an overall perspective on the member organizations and be a driving force in joint projects.
Johan also has a good understanding of TRF's development work and insights into necessary measures to ensure long-term functionality for TRF. Johan's competence is extensive and he is calm, thoughtful and has a strong commitment to student life and its underlying work.

The selection committee is convinced that Johan Jörlert will do an excellent job as Executive Secretary Administration for 2024/2025

The election of VSA takes place at the meeting of the Futures Settlement Association on Thursday, May 23. Counter candidacies
to the election committee's nomination is sent to the election committee at valberedning@studentlund.see latest
Thursday, May 16 at 23:59 p.m. Any counter-candidates will be announced on 17 May.

The selection committee through
Lotta Clever
Chairman of Studentlunds selection committee
Lund on 13 May 2024
