The selection committee's nomination to Studentlundcoordinator and Auditor 2024/2025

The selection committee's nomination to Studentlundcoordinator and Auditor 2024/2025

[English below]
Nominations are hereby announced Studentlundshoe coordinator and Studentlunds Auditor for 2024/2025 and before the Great Meeting on 16 April.

Studentlunds selection committee has decided to nominate Josephine Hansen to Studentlundshoe coordinator and Vacancy to Auditor for the academic year 2024/2025. The selection committee was unanimous in its decision.

If you want to counter-candidate, send an email to valberedning@studentlund.see no later than April 9 at 23.59.

Hereby the nomination as Studentlund Coordinator and Auditor for 2024/2025 is announced. The position will be appointed on the next General Meeting on April 16th.

Studentlund's nominating committee has decided to nominate Josephine Hansen for the position of Studentlund Coordinator and Vacancy for the position of Auditor for the academic year 2024/2025. The nominating committee was unanimous in its decision.

If you want to counter candidate, you can do so by sending an email to valberedning@studentlund.see no later than 9th April at 23.59.
