Gothenburg Nation
Welcome to Lund!
Gothenburg's nation offers you a strong community and a wonderful study time that will make your years in Lund the best ever! In addition to our ongoing activities, the nation arranges annual events such as the Gustav II Adolf Ball, which is the largest student ball in the Nordics, Christmas Party, May Day celebrations, Day Parties, Räkfest and Novischfester.
Gothenburg's nation is characterized by being a nation with speed and joy in all its activities. We are a medium sized nation with the biggest heart! The selection of activities and historic events is large and the nation boasts Lund's biggest ball, the GA ball, as well as Lund's biggest nightclub!
As enrolled in Gothenburg's nation, you are welcome into our family. There is an opportunity to get involved in one of our committees. Here is a selection of the committees: Bar Mastery, Party Mastery, Sex Mastery, Lunch Mastery, Bedas, Kajfé, Skybar, DJ, Brunch Mastery, Sports Committee and Culture Committee. At Gothenburg there is something for everyone!
Nationshuset is called Kållehus with 44 student rooms and is located on Östra Vallgatan 47. For more info, visit
Being a Gothenburger is not something you are born with, it is something everyone can become.
So welcome to Gothenburg's nation, here the sun always shines!