Are you wondering about something or having problems with your membership?
Membership in Studentlund administered by the Terminskräkningsföreningen (TRF). On their website you will find a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If you do not find answers to your questions, contact your nation or corps.
Do you want to know more about Studentlund? Read more here or contact us here!
Who can be Studentlundmember?
Eligible to join studentlund are students at Lund University or Lund University of Technology as well as students at the former Öresund University: Copenhagen Business School, Technical University of Denmark, Kristianstad University of Applied Sciences, Art Academy School of Architecture, University of Copenhagen, Malmö University, Roskilde University & Swedish University of Agriculture.
How do I change my nationality?
You can only change your country at the beginning of the semester before you have paid your semester bill. To switch nations, visit the nation you want to switch to and ask them to administer the switch. Exceptions apply if you are a new member of Studentlund, then you can change your nation however you want your first semester.
How do I change corps?
You can only change corps if you have changed your field of study, as your corps is related to the faculty you study at. To switch corps you can visit your nation or the corps you are switching to and ask them to administer the switch.
When changing to the technologist corps, they cannot administer the change as they do not belong studentlund.
When does registration open for the semester?
The membership system opens for the next semester in connection with the admission notices that come in early July for the fall semester and in December for the spring semester. Please note that your membership is not complete until you enroll in a nation.
When does the enrollment period open?
During the enrollment period, the nations are open 10-18 every weekday so that you can easily visit them and enroll. The Nations set a new date for this before each new term, so visit the Nations Facebook to find the exact dates for the enrollment period.
I missed the enrollment period, can I still complete my membership?
Yes of course! You can enroll in a nation at any time during the semester, the difference is that you need to visit the nation during expedition time, you can find this information under each nation here on the website.
How do I buy a guest card?
Guest cards can be purchased physically at the nations during expedition time, or digitally in the STUK app. You can find us in the app by searching for "Kuratorskollegiet".
Guest cards can only be purchased by students at other colleges and universities in Sweden and corresponding institutions abroad. Students at Folkhögskola, Folkuniversitetet, komvux, or qualified vocational school who are CSN-eligible are also entitled to buy guest cards. Guest cards are not sold to students at Lund University, they instead have the opportunity to become members of Studentlund. Exceptions to this rule are students at Campus Helsingborg and students studying LU courses remotely.
I am doing an internship at Lund University, can I still become a member?
If you have a temporary social security number and can prove that you are doing an internship at Lund University, you can become a member. A few extra steps may be required, but then ask the nation to contact the Curator's College for help.
Where can I find mine? Studentlundmembership?
Once you have registered as a member of Studentlund and registered at a nation, you can download the Student card app (STUK) to find your digital membership card.