Society of Social Sciences

Society of Social Sciences

The Society of Social Sciences at Lund University is the student union for you who study at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Lund, Malmö or Helsingborg. We protect your rights as a student, monitor the quality of your education, organize social events for students throughout the faculty and help you connect with the business world through our labor market activities.

Our area of ​​operation includes the faculty's 10 departments, Lund University Center for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) and the Graduate School. As a student, you are welcome to get involved in one of our project groups (communication, ball, novice, job fair, etc.), as a student representative at department or faculty level, or within one of our three sections: Agora (Campus Helsingborg), Pluto (the Department of Cultural Geography and Economic Geography) and the Sociology Section (School of Social Sciences). You can also apply to represent all social science students in the union's representative assembly, to sit on our board and to many other positions of trust. Read more here to find out all the ways you can become active in the corps!

If you ever run into problems or have questions about your education, the corps is here to support you. You can reach us easily via email, or by showing up at our drop-in times on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 a.m. and 13 p.m. You are of course also welcome at the drop-in if you are curious about the corps' activities, are keen to get involved or just fancy a coffee!

You will find the Social Science Corps' house (called Samvetet) at the bottom of the block Paradis, Sandgatan 9 (G:a Tapetserarverkstaden) opposite the Sociologist (house G). Our full-time paid elected officials have their office here, and it is a work and meeting place for our active members. Welcome here!

PS Curious to know more about us? Check out our website, or email a question!
