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Event series EventSeries: PUBLUNCH IN LUNDS NATION


March 16, 2023 @ 12:15 p.m - 13:00

Thursday at Lunds Nation means that we serve a slightly more luxurious pub lunch up on the Penthouse (sixth floor)! In true pub spirit, we also keep the bar open with a wider selection of drinks with or without alcohol.
The pub lunch costs only SEK 59 for Lunds Nation members and SEK 65 for those who are members of another nation.
Just as usual, there is of course a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) option as well as the possibility of takeaway if you bring a lunch box with you.
This week's menu can be found on our Facebook page and in highlights on Instagram @lundsnation. Follow us!
Don't forget ID and student ID!
See you there!
Thursday at Lunds Nation means that we're serving a more exclusive pub lunch at Penthouse (sixth floor)! In true pub-spirit we're also offering a wider selection of beverages with or with our alcohol from the bar.
The price of the pub lunch is only SEK 59 for members of Lunds Nation and SEK 65 if you are a member of another nation.
As usual there is a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) option and a possibility for takeaway if you bring your own lunchbox.
You can find the menu of the week on our Facebook page or in the highlights on Instagram @lundsnation. Follow us!
Don't forget ID and Student ID!
See you there!


March 16, 2023
12:15 - 13:00

Main courses

Lund's Nation
Agardhsgatan 1
223 51 Lund Sweden
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