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Open Club: Nostalgic Hits | South Scania Nation

Feb 17 @ 22:00pm - Feb 18 @ 22:00pm

60 SEK
Are you longing to go back to simpler times? When there wasn't a single exam or seminar in sight?
Come down to SSK on Saturday as we fill the venue with hits from the 90s and 00s to take you back to a simpler teenage time when all you could think about was the pimple on your face and the latest triangle drama that was spreading at school. We promise an unforgettable night with hits from Daft Punk and Nirvana and everything in between. Hits that you won't soon forget and that can always be sung one more time! What are you waiting for? Bring your pals and let loose on the dance floor!
(I.e.WHERE? South Scania Nation
(I.e.WHEN? 17/2
(I.e.TIME? 22:00 – 02:00
(I.e.WHO? 18+ with league and student league
(I.e.ENTRANCE? SEK 60 (SEK 30 for members, first hour free entry for members)
(I.e.PRE-SALE? Available at Stuk! For larger groups, email pqs@sydskanska.se
Are you longing to go back to simpler times? When there wasn't a single exam or seminar in sight?
Come down to SSK on Saturday as we fill the dancehall with hits from the 90s and 00s to take you back to the simpler teenage years when all you needed to worry about was the pimple on your face and the latest triangle drama that was spreading at school . We promise an unforgettable night with hits from Daft Punk and Nirvana and everything in between. Hits that soon won't forget and that can always be sung one more time! What are you waiting for? Bring your pals and let loose on the dance floor!
(I.e.Where? South Scania Nation
(I.e.When? 17/2
(I.e.Time? 22:00-02:00
(I.e.Who? 18+ with ID and Studentlund card
(I.e.ENTRANCE? SEK 60 (SEK 30 for members, free entry for members the first hour)
(I.e.PRE-PURCHASE? On Stuk! For larger groups, email pqs@sydskanska.se


Feb 17 @ 22:00pm
Feb 18 @ 22:00pm
60 SEK


South Scania Nation
Phone Number
+046 12-26-90
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South Scania Nation
Tornavägen 5
22363 Lund Skåne County, Sweden
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Phone Number
+046 12-26-90
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